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English translation for "i went shopping the day before yesterday"


Related Translations:
leave yesterday behind:  忘掉昨天
before:  adv.1.在前,在前方,在前头,在前面。2.在以前,从前,前此;较早。短语和例子run on before 跑在前面。 look before and after 瞻前顾后。 He is as happy as before. 他和从前一样幸福。 His garment buttoned before. 他的衣服前面扣上钮扣。 long before 很久以前。 Begi
before breakfast:  早饭前
before hours:  股票市场开市前的喊价
before assembling:  组装之前
before after:  只要你爱我
before daylight:  黎明前
ever before:  以前
before sunrise:  before.sunrise日出之前爱在黎明拂晓时爱在黎明破晓前爱在黎明破晓时/中制美版还有回忆日出前将恋爱终结/爱在黎明破晓时有江南
shopping:  n.买东西。 do one's shopping 买东西。
Example Sentences:
1.I went shopping the day before yesterday
2.I went shopping the day before yesterday
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